Podiatry Clinics (Yorkshire) are proud to be working with The Wetherby Clinic. We aim to provide the highest standing of lower limb musculoskeletal podiatry care by using up to date evidence-based techniques. Treatments include exercise programmes, advice on training regimens, manipulations, mobilisations, alterations to shoes, therapeutic injections and foot orthoses. When necessary, a multidisciplinary approach is adopted. This may include referrals and discussions with GPs, Orthopaedic Consultants, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and Chiropractors.
Our Services Include
The foot is unique in the body due to its position and functions. Although most people believe that each foot only takes half of your body weight during walking, it is in fact about one and a half times. In a normal day a person might take between 8-12,000 steps. This means that any inefficiency in foot function is multiplied many times over. This is the basis of many foot and lower limb problems. A careful biomechanical examination attempts to pick out these minor imbalances and seeks to correct them by mechanical means. Foot orthoses work by increasing the efficiency with which the foot functions. This altered function can affect the whole lower limb, pelvis and back thus improving the body’s general posture and ability to function.
Foot Orthotics (orthoses)
Foot Orthotics have transformed the treatment of many foot and lower limb problems. Developed over many decades the modern orthoses is highly developed piece of engineering. In order to obtain the correct prescription, a full biomechanical examination is required. Due to the unique way in which we practice, many of our patients are provided with an orthotic device and rehabilitation exercises at their first appointment. This can lead to an earlier return to work, sport and/or exercise. In many instances, this approach is more cost effective, due to fewer appointments needed throughout the course of treatment.
Gait Analysis
This is an invaluable tool in the accurate diagnosis of chronic lower limb injuries. In the field of sport injuries especially, this technique is of particular use. The abnormal and/or excessive movement that occurs during some sporting activities can produce high stresses with the joints and on soft tissue structures. This can result in symptoms of injury. Patients often have symptoms that only appear during or immediately after their exercise/sport. Only by very careful observation of a patient’s movement can this be accurately diagnosed. This allows for the subsequent corrective treatment to be more precise and focused.
We offer medical chiropody and advice on general foot health. Many skin lesions, such as corns and callus, can be resolved using biomechanical principles and shoe advice. This allows for improved health and reduced repeat care. Alongside routine care of the foot, our Podiatry team provide specialist care and advice for people with Diabetes and Arthritis. Minor surgery can also be performed to remove problematic toenails.
Common conditions and foot problems include:
• Corns
• Calluses and hard skin
• Ingrown toenails
• Bunions • Clawing toes
• Surgical nail corrections
• Athletes foot and fungal infections
• Management of feet affected by Diabetes
• Neurological and vascular testing
• Verrucas
Meet The Practitioners

Bob Longworth DPodM, MSc
Clinical Podiatric Biomechanics Bob is a Musculoskeletal Podiatrist with over 35 years of experience working with Orthopaedic and sports injury cases. He qualified in 1986 from Salford University and received a Post-Graduate Masters degree in ‘Clinical Podiatric Biomechanics’ from Staffordshire University in 2004, a course he now teaches on. He has also taught Podiatric Biomechanics to third year students at the University of Malta and helped develop their Podopaediatric course, which addresses the treatment of children’s feet. He has undertaken…

Lee Short BSc, MSc
Clinical Podiatric Biomechanics Before establishing Podiatry Clinics, Lee worked for many years as an extended scope practitioner in the NHS and as a specialist clinician in rehabilitation teams within the Ministry of Defence. He continues to provide specialist services to injured military recruits. Lee has developed a special interest / knowledge in running analysis and rehabilitation. He has vast experience working with the general public and professional sports personnel alike. After working with Haemophilia patients for 10 years, Lee is…

Jordan Green- MSc MSK Podiatry, BSc (Hons) degree in Podiatry
Advanced Podiatrist Jordan qualified as a Podiatrist in 2008. In 2016 he obtained a postgraduate Master’s Degree in Musculoskeletal Podiatry and was awarded a distinction for his dissertation researching musculoskeletal pathologies in healthy amputees. During his career he has worked in both the NHS and private sectors specialising in musculoskeletal assessment/biomechanics. He spent 5 years appointed as the Head Surgeon for nail surgery at The NHS New Selby War Memorial Hospital and continues to provide nail surgery privately. This is in addition…

Simon O’Donnell DPodM, MSc (Podiatric Medicine)
Simon is Musculoskeletal Podiatrist with over 35 years experience. He works with a variety of client groups dealing with the diagnosis and non-operative treatments of Orthopaedic conditions and sports injuries. Simon has a wealth of experience working alongside other healthcare professionals. He currently works in both the private sector and NHS. He has worked at Podiatry Clinics since 2006. Simon first qualified in 1985 and obtained his first post-graduate diploma (PGD), in clinical podiatric biomechanics in 2006 from Staffordshire University.…